Engineering a better future

We are working to develop ground breaking technologies which will help deliver a better future.

Our priorities

In 2021 we reassessed our approach to sustainability, with a view of integrating a sustainability strategy into our core business activities, aligning ourselves with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our priorities are:

  • Development of clean technologies
  • Operational eco-efficiency
  • Health, safety, and wellbeing

Going helium free

Existing MRI systems rely on liquid helium to cool the superconducting magnets at the heart of each system. Helium is a scarce, non-renewable resource, mostly obtained as a by-product of oil extraction. Our compact MRI has a smaller footprint, to enable us to rely on mechanical cooling only, thus eliminating use of helium in these systems.

Pollution prevention

Coal satisfied about 40% of the global electricity demand. However, as most people are aware, coal is also the most polluting fossil fuel and the industry is coming under increasing pressure to reduce harmful emissions.

We have developed a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system which combines the flue gases with precise amounts of ammonia or urea over catalysts that speed the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) into nitrogen and water.

Reducing our carbon intensity

We track carbon intensity across our UK and overseas sites. Our operational eco-efficiency initiatives are successfully delivering energy savings and reductions in emissions.


Sustainability governance

We have developed a robust governance structure which supports proactive and collaborative working across the Group.

PLC Board: The PLC Board take ultimate responsibility the sustainability strategy and how it relates with the broader purpose, vision, and strategy.

Sustainability Committee: Made up of individuals from across the Group who have experience of implementing ESG initiatives, establishing site targets and governance, and monitoring energy and carbon data. Members provide regular updates to the PLC Board and undertake environmental training, which includes modules on the UN Sustainability Goals, Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), and Energy Resilience.

Site level: The Group operate from multiple locations across the Globe. Carbon intensity goals are set at a site level, and the General Managers are given responsibility for achieving these targets.

Sustainability Policies


Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Product Safety